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The Identifiers Data Model describes the properties of identifiers associated to a card.

TypeScript Model

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export type Identifiers = {
  cardKingdomEtchedId?: string;
  cardKingdomFoilId?: string;
  cardKingdomId?: string;
  cardsphereId?: string;
  mcmId?: string;
  mcmMetaId?: string;
  mtgArenaId?: string;
  mtgjsonFoilVersionId?: string;
  mtgjsonNonFoilVersionId?: string;
  mtgjsonV4Id?: string;
  mtgoFoilId?: string;
  mtgoId?: string;
  multiverseId?: string;
  scryfallId?: string;
  scryfallOracleId?: string;
  scryfallIllustrationId?: string;
  tcgplayerProductId?: string;
  tcgplayerEtchedProductId?: string;

Model Properties

cardKingdomEtchedId optional

The Card Kingdom etched card identifier.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v5.2.0

cardKingdomFoilId optional

The Card Kingdom foil card identifier.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v5.0.0

cardKingdomId optional

The Card Kingdom card identifier.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v5.0.0

cardsphereId optional

The Cardsphere card identifier.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v5.2.1

mcmId optional

The Cardmarket card identifier.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v4.4.0

mcmMetaId optional

The Cardmarket card meta identifier.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v4.4.0

mtgArenaId optional

The Magic: The Gathering Arena card identifier.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v4.5.0

mtgjsonFoilVersionId optional

The universal unique identifier (v4) generated by MTGJSON for the foil version of the card.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v5.2.1

mtgjsonNonFoilVersionId optional

The universal unique identifier (v4) generated by MTGJSON for the non-foil version of the card.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v5.2.1

mtgjsonV4Id optional

The universal unique identifier (v4) generated by MTGJSON.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v5.0.0

mtgoFoilId optional

The Magic: The Gathering Online card foil identifier.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v4.5.0

mtgoId optional

The Magic: The Gathering Online card identifier.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v4.5.0

multiverseId optional

The Wizards of the Coast card identifier used in conjunction with Gatherer.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v4.0.0

scryfallId optional

The universal unique identifier generated by Scryfall. Note that cards with multiple faces are not unique.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v4.0.0

scryfallOracleId optional

The unique identifier generated by Scryfall for this card's oracle identity. This value is consistent across reprinted card editions, and unique among different cards with the same name (Un-sets, tokens, etc).

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v4.3.1

scryfallIllustrationId optional

The unique identifier generated by Scryfall for the card artwork that remains consistent across reprints. Newly previewed cards may not have this property yet.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v4.3.1

tcgplayerProductId optional

The TCGplayer card identifier.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v4.2.1

tcgplayerEtchedProductId optional

The TCGplayer etched card identifier.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v5.2.0