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The Set Data Model describes the properties of an individual set.

TypeScript Model

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export type Set = {
  baseSetSize: number;
  block?: string;
  booster?: object;
  cards: CardSet[];
  cardsphereSetId?: number;
  code: string;
  codeV3?: string;
  isForeignOnly?: boolean;
  isFoilOnly: boolean;
  isNonFoilOnly?: boolean;
  isOnlineOnly: boolean;
  isPaperOnly?: boolean;
  isPartialPreview?: boolean;
  keyruneCode: string;
  languages: string[];
  mcmId?: number;
  mcmIdExtras?: number;
  mcmName?: string;
  mtgoCode?: string;
  name: string;
  parentCode?: string;
  releaseDate: string;
  sealedProduct?: SealedProduct[];
  tcgplayerGroupId?: number;
  tokens: CardToken[];
  tokenSetCode?: string;
  totalSetSize: number;
  translations: Translations;
  type: string;

Model Properties


The number of cards in the set. This will default to totalSetSize if not available. Wizards of the Coast sometimes prints extra cards beyond the set size into promos or supplemental products.

  • Type: number
  • Introduced: v4.1.0

block optional

The block name the set is in.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v4.0.0

booster optional

A breakdown of possibilities and weights of cards in a booster pack. See the Booster Abstract Model.

  • Type: object
  • Introduced: v5.0.0


The list of cards in the set. See the Card (Set) Data Model.

  • Type: CardSet[]
  • Introduced: v4.0.0

cardsphereSetId optional

The Cardsphere set identifier.

  • Type: number
  • Introduced: v5.2.1


The printing set code for the set.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v4.0.0

codeV3 optional

The alternate printing set code Wizards of the Coast uses for a select few duel deck sets.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v4.2.1

isForeignOnly optional

If the set is only available outside the United States of America.

  • Type: boolean
  • Introduced: v4.4.1


If the set is only available in foil.

  • Type: boolean
  • Introduced: v4.0.0

isNonFoilOnly optional

If the set is only available in non-foil.

  • Type: boolean
  • Introduced: v5.0.0


If the set is only available in online game play variations.

  • Type: boolean
  • Introduced: v4.0.0

isPaperOnly optional

If the set is only available in paper game play.

  • Type: boolean
  • Introduced: v4.6.2

isPartialPreview optional

If the set is still in preview (spoiled). Preview sets do not have complete data.

  • Type: boolean
  • Introduced: v4.4.2


The matching Keyrune code for set image icons.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v4.3.2


The languages the set was printed in.

  • Type: string[]
  • Introduced: v5.2.1

mcmId optional

The Cardmarket set identifier.

  • Type: number
  • Introduced: v4.4.0

mcmIdExtras optional

The split Cardmarket set identifier if a set is printed in two sets. This identifier represents the second set's identifier.

  • Type: number
  • Introduced: v5.1.0

mcmName optional

The Cardmarket set name.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v4.4.0

mtgoCode optional

The set code for the set as it appears on Magic: The Gathering Online.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v4.0.0


The name of the set.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v4.0.0

parentCode optional

The parent printing set code for set variations like promotions, guild kits, etc.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v4.3.0


The release date in ISO 8601 format for the set.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v4.0.0

sealedProduct optional

The sealed product information for the set. See the Sealed Product Data Model.

  • Type: SealedProduct[]
  • Introduced: v5.2.0

tcgplayerGroupId optional

The group identifier of the set on TCGplayer.

  • Type: number
  • Introduced: v4.2.1


The tokens available to the set. See the Card (Token) Data Model.

  • Type: CardToken[]
  • Introduced: v4.0.0

tokenSetCode optional

The tokens set code, formatted in uppercase.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v5.2.1


The total number of cards in the set, including promotional and related supplemental products but excluding Alchemy modifications - however those cards are included in the set itself.

  • Type: number
  • Introduced: v4.1.0


The translated set name by language. See the Translations Data Model.

  • Type: Translations
  • Introduced: v4.3.2


The expansion type of the set.

  • Type: string
  • Introduced: v4.0.0